Hello darlings! Everyday Adventuring is about living in the present and enjoying the experiences life brings your way in your current season. I started the blog to create a place for people like me who love to experience new places but also still have a real life to manage.

A little about me…
My name is Mary, and I’m the ringleader for planning adventures in my little family circus. I didn’t grow up in a family that traveled much, and didn’t anticipate to travel all that much myself. Of course, it always sounded exciting, but who has time to plan all that?

Turns out, I do! Thanks to my husband’s job, we move around a good bit, and we’ve learned to embrace the spirit of adventuring with each move. Not just the adventure of getting from point A to point B, but the experience of living in a new place for a few years AND the travel opportunities that provides.
I want to share the experiences with YOU!
But in a real way, because I love silly photos way too much.

And because when we are living life and creating experiences, you don’t want to focus on the perfect shot. The most important part of any trip is being present in the moment, enjoying your surroundings, and sharing that with whoever you’re with.
I can’t wait to start sharing new posts about how we plan, budget for, and explore near and far!